Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Where am I?

I found this cute little waterfall thing as I was wandering around looking for someplace to photograph that was both artistic and original, but not cruelly hard to guess. However, in retrospect this might be a little challenging, especially for any first years. A hint to sophomores and upperclassmen - you've probably walked by (or over) it before, but the actual waterfall itself may just be a result of Hurricane Hermione (aka TS Hermine).
I was originally just going to add the fish (cause you know - fish in water, that's logical), but when I saw the bear, I thought, "Yeah, bears eat fish. That'll work!" So anyway, someone on campus is going to get a good dinner tonight. I also played around with the color effects for a while, and finally settled on this, though I forgot what it was called. I like how vibrant green it makes that bush growing out of the cliff, and the contrasting shadowy border is reminiscent of effects used in movies to show flashbacks, memories, or dreams. So, you could almost think of this as being the Bear's daydream, or possibly memory of a good time.


  1. hahaha nice. I think this is between South and Thomas.

  2. I like this spot too. Its the back entrance to Thomas I believe.

  3. is this the walk between thomas and south?

  4. Looks nice. I think it is between North and south too.
